FestEvo - the Festival App! from a friend of Prizm.

Festivals are awesome, hands down.  I've been to many myself, and it was thanks to Coachella in 2009 that I was inspired to start Prizm-ing in the first place!  

Not only are festivals multi-sensory fiestas of wonderful-ness, but they provide a very unique setting in which to make new friends from all around the world, or just share thoughts and ideas with whoever happens to be nearby...enjoying a show, an art installation, in line for food, water, or bathrooms....festivals are an extremely social experience.

At Electric Daisy Carnival in 2011, the first year it was in Las Vegas, I was working at The Rabbit Hole and giving away some of my old handmade PrizmEyez inside the fest.  I handed a pair to some dude wearing a SpiritHood, and he responded by showing me the piles and piles of paper glasses he had stashed in his backpack.  All of them had inspirational sayings written on them with a sharpie.

I instantly knew we'd be friends.

Since then, I have kept in touch with Tucker Gumber, watching him transform his festival journey from a regular friendly dude, to "The Festival Guy" to "FestivalReviews" to the culmination of his thousands of hours of festival experience -- the soon-to-launch app called FestEvo!

Tucker's goal is to improve people's festival experiences.  From making it easier to find friends, to plan your camp, to reviewing festivals so they can make changes for the following year, this app does it all.  Highlight your favorite artists at upcoming fests to plan schedules with friends.  Stream the music via the app to sway people to join your agenda!  Use Festevo to snag the best rideshares, exchange tickets securely, and to link up with your newest buds on all social media platforms.

The Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign has just begun, and it's your chance to get in on the fun as a Founding Member!  This means you'll help Tucker beta test the app, and you'll get your first pick of Festevo URLs/usernames.  Best of all, the rewards for supporting are super awesome, and include PrizmEyez!  (4 token reward; 25$ including shipping)


Watch FestEvo grow!





Thank you for your time reading this!  Let's make festivals more fun for everyone.  This app would help me meet even more of you awesome Prizm people <3



Mz Prizm

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