Chloe Norgaard

We are thrilled to have Chloe Norgaard, rainbow-haired model and person extraordinaire, as our first interviewee on PRIZM SPACE.  Her captivating look and down-to-earth personality let this girl leave a path of twinkly rainbow stardust wherever she goes.  Which is frequently a music festival somewhere around the world!  

I met her because I liked her colorful hair, and so I showed her PrizmEyez.  We realized we have a lot in common (rainbow luv).  So I give her Prizmz when I see her now :)

Follow @chloenorgaard on Instagram for more


Mz Prizm: What is your favorite 90’s:  Movie / Song / Music video/ Product / Video Game 

Chloe Norgaard: The Matrix, Fifth Element, Romeo & Juliet, Furbies, Barbies, chokers, Easy Bake Ovens.. I could keep going & going ;) I'm a 90s baby :D


What is the worst outfit, look, or haircut you have ever rocked?

Well at the time I always loved what I was wearing, but in hindsight there were quite a few funny ones, though nothing I regret :)


Tell an awesome story about getting hired for a great gig or your dream job, and / or an embarrassing story about getting fired (c’mon, we all have em!)

Recently I got told I was booked for The Kenneth Cole show during fashion week then after I met everyone on the team they decided to cancel it. It was of course because my hair was crazy green & I'm sure one of them had a heart attack when they saw it. ;)


What kind of food would you eat even if you became allergic?

I'm really scared of my throat closing up :x


What do you spend most of your online time doing?  

Reading about & looking at Space. Adding to my list of places to go before I die. Instagram.. Of course :p


If time travel were possible, where would you go? 

Ahh the 20s or the 70s orr to when Dinosaurs were around :).. Maybe even during the time of The French Revolution.. As long as I was in Versailles & not outside of it :x loved the aesthetic back then!


If you had to pick one color to see the world in forever, what would it be?



What is your favorite mythical / magical creature or person?

Right now I'm obsessed with Little Twin Stars


Did you dress up for halloween? As what?

I was a hot pink gorilla :)



What would you come back as in your next life?

A butterfly, just spending my days flying around beautiful flowers <3



above photos via @chloenorgaard on Instagram


photo by PrizmEyez






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